Tuesday 27 November 2012

It is my great pleasure to welcome back Ms. Muncer to our program.  She brings some serious credentials and a warm and caring heart to all of our sectionals that will be happening during class time.

As we make the final push into the holiday season, it is important to remind you to keep on top of your sectionals.  You are required to complete 4 sectionals by mark cut-off in January.  You are allowed to count one of the sectionals with Ms. Muncer in the Sectional Book.  To everyone, I offer this advice.... do not procrastinate and do your best to finish your sectionals by the end of December; that way when you come back after break, you will not have to try to squish sectionals in while you prepare for exams.  Let's focus on quality.  By doing them properly and gaining knowledge, we all benifit.

Playing a musical instrument good for brain health

  The study found playing keyboard instruments was particularly beneficial for brain health Playing a musical instrument or singing could he...